Our cheering raisins


Our glorious entrance, complete with hobble.

Taking the oath

They don't make jump ropes big enough...

We were hop scotching, we swear!

Picking our Bob Marley theme

Kindness is more noble than revenge

Wuz in da box?

Alex has a guitar...this can mean only one thing...a SINGING STORY!

Ow ow ow, oh the pain! This glue is searing into my brain!

Best WITB competition EVER!

Our life game

"My OSAP didn't come in"

Our graduating players

Alex is our VIP (we love you dude)

No time a wasting, it's NORTH HASTINGS!

Hey! Hey! What's their name? REGIOPOLIS NOTRE-DAME!

Who is this? TISS TISS TISS!

Oh me oh my, it's KCVI!

L-C, L-C-V, LCVI let's go!

Party afterwards at Lonestar!

Fun was had by all!

Lots of fun!

So much fun!

I'm scared and scarred...
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