Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

Name :   stuart oke
Email :
Location :   at computer
Favourite condiment :   KETCHUP
Name :   Squall
Email :   
Location :   Take moments about point C
Comments :   BBC pwns your face. Long live BBC.
Favourite condiment :   
Name :   dan
Email :   
Location :   
Comments :   short comment lines, eh? wanted to say the non-speaking cows were moot but now the bad pun is ruined. You guys are chintzy.
Favourite condiment :   
Name :   dan
Email :   
Location :   in my field
Comments :   I once had a friend named Barry. He left one day. When he left one day he left one pink thing in my pasture. The cows adopted it and raised it on milk and cheese. Then it left. I think it self-appellated as Alex. Couldnt ask the cows, they were so upset n
Favourite condiment :   crisco
Name :   
Email :   
Location :   
Comments :   hi
Favourite condiment :   
Name :   
Email :   
Location :   
Comments :   BBC is dead. RIP the Big Brown Cow
Favourite condiment :   
Name :   bertha
Email :
Location :   california
Comments :   what a great site...what drugs are you all on??
Favourite condiment :   ketchup...hands down
Name :   Spencer Shumate
Email :
Location :   the land of amazement
Comments :   Never before have I seen sucha owndrous journey into the depths of, uh.... humnaity, and as teh muskrats of... destiny, so shall ye find true happiness therein
Favourite condiment :   Pie
Name :   Pink Elephant Commander!
Email :
Location :   en route to Mars
Comments :   I would like to that the authors of this marvelous story for it inspired me to gather my forces and move on Mars, we should be controlling that puny little planet within one standard Earth month. Oh, P.S... Youre next Mercury! Tremble before the might
Favourite condiment :   Cheese out of an aerosol spray can
Name :   Jon
Email :   
Location :   Sadville
Comments :   No, they^re really not. Some day though....
Favourite condiment :   Prozac
Name :   Alex Moo
Email :
Location :   K Town
Comments :   BEware... the chapters are coming together... the update is approaching...
Favourite condiment :   
Name :   the other other white meat
Email :   
Location :   some mobster guys freezer (is that how you spell mobster?)
Comments :   hey dudes! Just thought Id pop bye and say---UPDATE!!!!! Um, yeah. I know youve both been really busy being lazy and the lack of a chem class doesnt help with the writers block...which I dont know if you have or not really, but yeah. Luv ya!
Favourite condiment :   sliced green onions on top of Sami...ew! Sorry Em!
Name :   Turtle
Email :   .....
Location :   Texas
Comments :   =) People can be so odd.
Favourite condiment :   Hot sauce
Name :   Blorkschmig
Email :
Location :   Rottergram-florg
Comments :   Droch!
Favourite condiment :   exams
Name :   Alex
Email :   
Location :   
Comments :   Its been a long time since you rawk and rolled
Favourite condiment :   
Name :   you
Email :
Location :   your house
Comments :   im you and im in your house
Favourite condiment :   yours
Name :   Moomaster
Email :
Location :   Ania Land
Comments :   MOO
Favourite condiment :   Green leaf
Name :   Billie-Jo-Anne
Email :   Huh?
Location :   My daddys farm
Comments :   I like Cows...
Favourite condiment :   pig tails
Name :   Greg Fluhrer
Email :
Location :   Kingston
Comments :   I swaer to GOD that I have never visited this sight... and I NEVER WILL! You cant make me!
Favourite condiment :   L:yckirish Allsorts.. (long story)
Name :   Kate E.
Email :
Location :   kingston
Comments :   yay! i finally visited this site! awesome work you guys! hearts!
Favourite condiment :   yogurt????
Name :   Big Brown Cow Fan!!!!!!!!!
Email :   The toe that once was in the ear of the big ugly turkey who had 300 million churckeys(chicken+Turkey) which had 2 pickels and 3 hamburgers made out of Chiness newspaper and apple cores!
Location :   My Big Brown Hamster...... Hamster?
Comments :   I swear, I have taken my medication! I swear!! Ignore me please. moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo fish. please kill me
Favourite condiment :   Big Brown Toe Clipings...yes and mixed in with cheese yes my friend i am a psycho : ) PS: The world runs on cheese!!!!
Name :   Lexter
Email :   
Location :   BBC villiage (AKA the good land)
Comments :   1000 fricken fracken hits, and barely any gb signatures!CRAAAAAZY! Cmon people... if ania can do it...
Favourite condiment :   that dirty bum coo coo job dilly
Name :   Duberoonie
Email :   
Location :   The Good Land
Comments :   YAY, 1000 hits...there should be more gosh darn it! Come on, spread the frickin word!
Favourite condiment :   Ok, you know the stuff you spread on toast? Yeah, well that stuff mixed with brown.
Name :   Alex
Email :   
Location :   Kingston
Comments :   Hey there BBCers! We here at Big Brown Cow recently received a neat comment: The world is in too much trouble without idiots like you making the situation worse with rumors and idiotic comments which make no sense and serve no purpose. -Ania, Australia
Favourite condiment :   Dead Kangaroo Pouch Sauce
Email :
Location :   Kings Town eh? tilt?
Comments :   I barely comprehend why Im writing this. I havent even watched the thing. I just accidentally clicked on a link. But now the computers not responding. AHH now its grabbing me by the hands and eating me!! AHHHHHH
Favourite condiment :   pickles slices
Name :   emily
Email :
Location :   infront of my computer
Comments :   i will read these to my children before their bedtime childrens aid on me now..... I love the crazy shananogins you folks get into so YAY Big Brown Cow.
Favourite condiment :   Cheese....the plastic kind.....mmmmm
Name :   Alex Storyteller
Email :   
Location :   King's Villiage
Comments :   I agree with yonder Dubster. And whats this I hear about NYC? I love New YORK!!!
Favourite condiment :   Cheese Sauce
Name :   Don Dubs
Email :   never@no.not
Location :   King's Town
Comments :   Let's get more hits and guestbok entries, aiight?
Favourite condiment :   purple ketchup
Name :   Alex
Email :   
Comment :   The new flash intro RAWKS!
Favourite type of cheese :   
Email :
Comment :   moo mooo moooo mooooo moooooo mooooooo moooooooo mooooooooo moooooooooo mooooooooooo moooooooooooo mooooooooooooo moooooooooooooo mooooooooooooooo moooooooooooooooo mooooooooooooooooo moooooooooooooooooo mooooooooooooooooooo mooooooooooo
Favourite type of cheese :   the green kind that smells like rotten bum hole
Name :   Anna
Email :   
Comment :   You guys have waaayy to much time on your hands. but none the less, all is good. peace out, and all is good
Favourite type of cheese :   dairy free
Name :   Brian Smith
Email :
Comment :   Spread the word about the Big Brown Cow! Try and get the counter to 1000 by the end of the month!
Favourite type of cheese :   
Name :   Jon
Email :   
Comment :   You're all wrong! The cow is really just a figment of the mind, one can perceive it, but it is not there...just like the spoon. Oh, and hamburgers are mostly just recycled gym-mats and newspapers these days, not too much cow in there.
Favourite type of cheese :   
Name :   Alex
Email :   
Comment :   What ayon said about being black is true. But Brown cows are soo good. You do not eat the cows Ayon, you only pet them and - what? Hamburger is cow flesh? Oh, really, then... sorry guys, heh ... heh!
Favourite type of cheese :   
Name :   Ayon Shahed
Email :
Comment :   Cows are a wonderful species. Milk, butter, cheese and meat are what they offer. what is often overlooked is there incredibly intelligence, style and ability to chew. I wish i was a black cow, mind you i said black cow.
Favourite type of cheese :   cow cheese
Name :   Ted Naugler
Email :
Comment :   Woah dude....mega freakin' sweet 'n stuff
Favourite type of cheese :   
Name :   Brian Smith
Email : (I get about 30 spam a day anyway)
Comment :   Damn, this stuff kicks ass. Keep it up!
Favourite type of cheese :   The stuff in the ritz crackers... Cheddar, I think.
Name :   Princess ...#1
Email :
Comment :   ..............WOW...............
Favourite type of cheese :   cheetos
Name :   Cheryl
Email :
Comment :   all is good in the land.
Favourite type of cheese :   swiss
Name :   Paul
Email :
Comment :   These stories rule...the people who wrote them have very, very large balls. Way to be LC!!!
Favourite type of cheese :   Extra Old Wilton Chedder
Name :   Jon Dubya
Email :
Comment :   Hey!! I co-started it!! If I hadn't written the second sentence of that first chapter, none of this would be here... lol
Favourite type of cheese :   canonberge with a fine glass of merlot
Name :   Alex
Email :   
Favourite type of cheese :   Gouda. mooo. and all is good in the land
Name :   Dylan - President of the Fan Club
Email :   haha@imnottellingyoucauseyou'
Comment :   Hah. I'm the first one to sign the guestbook. All is good. Hail the cow.
Favourite type of cheese :   The white kind
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