About the Author
Jonathan Warren

On a snowy day in March, 1986, another life was born unto this world. Unlike the hundreds of children born each day, this one happened to be especially lucky. He gazed placidly into the eyes of the nurses and doctors as they wheeled him into the infant ward. His father, Big Joey, was out at the time, supposedly buying a sandwich, because he had not eaten for hours while he waited for this damned slow birthing baby. His mother, Catalina DeMontey, rested a while after her baby left, and thanked the lord that that was over.

For the first few years of his life, Jonathan was a happy child, apart from all the crying that children usually do. This path, unfortunately, was suddenly interrupted by the birth of Catalina and Joey’s second child, Matt. Whilst this child was not born with the tell-tale "666" imprinted on his forehead, he certainly made up for it in the torture he brought to his older brother. By the ages of two and four, both were complete rivals.

The simple life of the DeMontey’s was cut short that same year when Joey received a phone call telling him that he had to move to the main city, which shall not be named due to a court order, and take over the family business. His father, Alberto Garcilla, had passed due to a drive-by days earlier. They promptly moved to the new town where they had to live in several different normal houses until the one in the Garcilla’s side of the city was cleaned up.

After several months of moving around to different houses, the DeMontey’s were able to settle into their final house. From here Joey was able to carry out all of his work, and his family could live in peace. As Jonathan grew older, he learned the ways of his father’s trade. He quickly was able to assist in difficult hits, and in other, more mediocre work.

By age six, Jonathan was an excellent marksman. He could anticipate movement and get a firm shot from over four hundred feet away. He was the main man in most big family disputes.

One year later, however, Jonathan’s interests changed. He became fascinated with the money-making abilities of the family, and soon knew as much as everyone else about how the different trades worked. He studied a lot by himself and soon proved to be able to effectively negotiate all of the business and triple its productivity. A heroin addiction in addition to six other addictions to second level drugs soon made him leave his position.

At age ten, Jonathan was a new person. With drug addictions and ESD (Excessive Sex Disorder) behind him, he began to relearn what he once was phenomenal at. It took many months before he could sit again in his chair, but he was better than ever at what he did. He strove for fairness to everyone, and was often doing many tasks himself. His father took him under his wing and became attached to the child after the tragic death of his wife due to accidental cyanide poisoning.

When he was fourteen his father became concerned. Jonathan was controlling over half of the family himself, and was growing a borderline disliking to the way his father ran things. Because of this, his father quickly sent him to the quiet town of Kingston to live with two new parents, Lynne and David Warren. David and Lynne’s work to crush Jonathan’s spirit and enthusiasm have proved successful, as he now has little memory of his days in the mafia. He currently is attending grade eleven at Loyalist Collegiate and Vocational Institute.
