Chapter II

A long, long time ago in a magical place called Stenchiidoubt there was an opossum named Calcierous and a drooling cow. They both mooed, and all was good. Turmoil was all along the outside land, but Stenchiidoubt was scot-free of chaos. Anarchist free, like an episode of Polka Dot Door. In fact, it was so chaos free that the cow and Calcierous decided to leave Stenchiidoubt and set off to fix up the land.

Calcierous was a fairly pretty man and therefore had much influence over people in the land. He got on his cell phone and called Bob the Builder...naturally. Bob the Builder™ set off in a jiffy in his Chevy™ Impala™ towards the dump. When he got there, he bent over (showing the crack of his ass over the utility belt) and examined the situation.

The situation was aptly named Asscrakaos. But Calcierous and the cow jumped onto a nearby Zebra and set out the Destination Unknown - the place to go to fix things. They journeyed for one million minutes towards Destination Unknown. When they got there, they went to the plumbing aisle realizing that because Bob the Builder™ showed enough ass-crack to be a great plumber for the land. Calcierous mooed at the plumbing, and all was good.

There sat a plumber in a giant hat, who heard Calcierous moo. Moos were not permitted in Destination Unknown, and were in fact punishable by death...but the man, seeing Bob the Builder™ in their party, decided to let them off the repay a favour...

The favour, of course, was that Bob the Builder™ had once given the man a portable water fountain which used an ion drive engine. The cow thought this fountain may be useful, and so snuck in the worker’s house that night and stole it.

Far off in the distance there sat a fat man on his couch watching COPS, aptly named Billy. On the screen was a brown cow, an opossum, and a cartoon character resembling Bob the Builder™, running through the desert with an ion driven water fountain. The man reporting live from the LATV news chopper was speaking wildly as the local police chased after the criminals in their Go-Go Action Broncos™. After 10 hours, the chase was over.

Calcierous, the cow, and Bob the Builder™ sat in jail, Billy drank some Ex™, and all was good.

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