Chapter IV
Escape...or Something

They sat in the cell for 7 days and 9 nights, over which Calcierous, the cow, and Bob the Builder™ talked about many interesting things. A Colon may be pure milk fat, but never too unhealthy for consumption in the eyes of the lord. Butter must not be too sweet, or the lord will get fat. These and many other fascinating discussions about dairy products took place during this time. It was apparent that times had changed since back in the day. Calcierous milked the cow by suckling on its teat. The cow mooed, and all was bad in the cell. In the dark, damp cell, time was lost. They listened to the darkness, lactated the cow, and made pastries.

They tried to break out using the pastries, but could never get past the bars. But one day, if it was indeed a day, Bob the Builder™ realised...there is no spoon! He then used Matrix® powers to bend the bars, and escaped. The cow and Calcierous sat alone again, and tried to figure a way out. The darkness caved back in on them and they soon saw Bob the Builder’s™ leaving as a thing of the past. Many week, days, and hot fudge sundaes passed before they had formulated a good way out. "The ion-driven water fountain is gone" said Calcierous as he sucked at the cow’s teat.

At that point a fat man sporting the name tag "Billy" approached the cell, realizing that they were no longer in need of imprisonment. Billy unlocked the door with a 'click'. "You are free to go-mua," he said as Calcierous rejoiced, "but you guyses are famous! I saw you on the T-V... can I have your autographs?!?" The two companions began to sign the autographs when suddenly Naholopetamon crawled out of the darkness. "I am aptly named Naholopetamon!" he screamed. Sword fighting ensued.

"Stop!" Calcierous yelled at Naholopetamon as he peri-ed another sword attack, "we don’t dislike you any more! It was our fault for chewing the green leaf so quickly. We just enjoyed it so!" Naholopetamon abruptly drew back his sword.

"You no hate me anymore?" he questioned. "No! The happy making drugs are evil, and that is why the good land threw them away. We should have realised this and never chewed them!"

Naholopetamon sat down in the corner of the cell and thought for a while. After many minutes he posed the question: "So what do you believe in?" To which the cow replied: "Moooo youu want tooo come with us?"

They decided on yes, and the trio set off into the sunset. After setting off into the sunset, they were obviously quite hot, and decided to stop at Reid’s Dairy for milkshakes. They all ordered Lord Colon-ol’s Chocolate Surprise™. Milking the next joke for all it is worth. The cow bought some sweet butter, and they continued off into the fiery orange sunset. (And all was most obviously good!)

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