Chapter 5.578125

Right now, in a galaxy right here, there was a brown cow, an opossum, a Naholopetamon, a penguin, a hummingbird, and a frog. They sat in the Telus™ super-store and prepared the technology for contact with Bovinia. Once they had erected the giant cell-phone, and aimed it at the source of the moo beam, they dialed 1-800-MOO-ME-NOW and pressed send.

The cell phone was silent, but soon a loud ringing sound was present. It rang to the count of five, and then said "You have reached the voice mailbox of ‘Bovinia’, please leave a message." The ground shook, and soon the gang realized that their call had not gone unnoticed. The Calcavores, a neighbouring enemy of Bovinia, had intercepted the call, and were coming to destroy the sender.

There was a loud crash as the ship made contact with the earth. They looked out of the windows as the main hatch of the ship opened. A rope-ladder fell to the ground, and a skinny, purple, slimy, spider man clambered down to the ground. He walked directly towards the Telus™ super-store and opened the door. A ding was made at the counter as he entered.

One of the Telus™ workers had managed to break free, and had waited hours for this moment. He ran towards the Calcavorian and said "Hello, er, sir! Would you like to switch to Telus™ mobility for the low price of $39.95 a month plus hidden service charges? That gives you 200 anytime minutes where you can call anywhere (excluding Europe, Asis, Russia, Hawaii, your location, and all of your friends) for 20 cents per minute with an additional 35 cents per minute for all non-local calls and an extra ch--" but he didn’t get to finish. The Calcavore pulled out his death-ray gun and death rayed the Telus™ worker to death. He then turned to the rest of the gang.

"You lave Calcavored the Calcavorians! You will Calcavore with the highest Calcavore! Prepare to Calcavore!!!" He put a small cube, marked with strange symbols, on the ground, pressed a few buttons, and then ran off back to his ship. It took off really quickly. Calcierous had a worried look on his face, he turned and said "Aah." To this response was "Boom." As the planet, including the good land they were on, blew up. Sparkly words saying "The End" appeared on the screen, and soon the credits were rolling.

Naholopetamon turned to Calcierous and said "Wow, that was a good movie, it reminds me of us, don’t you think?" Calcierous replied "No, I’m a lot prettier in real-life."

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