Chapter VII

The aphids were upon them. Trained by the ant-men of San-magee, they knew who to attack: Naholopetamon. He screamed in sheer, high-pitched, slightly girly terror. The aphids crawled into the pockets his cargo pants, completely filling all 8 pockets, rendering the trousers useless. Naholopetamon went crazy and moved into the woods to hide, feeling that society would reject him and his lazy pants. They never saw him again. Stories came from the far-land about a crazy man, foaming at the butt, who attacked crops, people, and most forms of spider.

Only the cow (who was still trying to grow a new udder) and Calcierous were left, and the lonely duo were aptly named Monkeyyeknom (pronounced: *scream* MONKEYyeknom!). Anywho, Calcierous got bored being with a depressed cow, and he genetically engineered two midget friends, aptly named Malcatro, and aptly named Ed. And all was good. Malcatro and Ed had a jolly good time with Calcierous and the cow. They wore the udder-hat, and frolicked in the breeze. Malcatro was a seamstress, talented and lonely, and sewed the udder unto the cow’s middle. Ed was a wench, and served drinks to large, rowdy crowds frequently. He often came home drunk, diseased, and violated. Then Calcierous turned into a hyena.

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